吳素梅,美國南(nán)衛理(lǐ)公會大學 (Sou多師thern Methodist Universit從窗y)博士, 博士後,外國語言文學學院講師.廠森
研究方向 (Research Areas):
科技輔助英語教學 (Computer-Assisted Langua理問ge Learning), 線上(shàng)跨文化(huà)交際(白會Intercultural Telecollabo線老ration), 英語教師教育 (ESL Teacher Ed慢站ucation), 虛拟現(xiàn)實課堂在英語教師教育中的應用吧多 (Virtual Reality Simulat女工ions in ESL Teacher Educatio外站n)。
代表作(zuò) (Publications):
Wu, S. (2022). Methodo水有logies and pedagogical practices o能人f teacher telecollatb民生oration: A synthesis of 56 慢少studies published between 2010 and 202友作0. CALICO Journal, ,算店 39(3).
Wu, S., & Ware, P. (2022). Su還機pporting novice TESOL tea員近chers’ learning: Integration of 行草mediated mentoring into community-base內了d teacher learning. The&著理nbsp;European Journal of App老嗎lied Linguistics and TEFL.
Wu, S. (2021). Unpackin門子g themes of integrating telecollab聽女roation in L2 teacher educat事書ion: A systematic review of 36 stud山草ies from 2009-2019. Comp為秒uter Assisted Language Learnin山靜g [SSCI & AHCI, Impact Factor 4.街兒789]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/095刀林88221.2021.1976800
Liaw, M. L., & Wu, S. (2021). Expl場也oring L2 teacher identities in an int媽事ercultural telecollaborative 購銀mixed-reality teaching environment討間. CALICO Journa如飛l, 38(3), 296-318. ht鐵通tps://doi.org/10.1558/cj.20亮白169
Wu, S., Ware, P., & Li紅路aw, M. L. (2020). Promo自還ting peer-to-peer synchronous online 錯山discussions: Case study of inter能土cultural communication in t明她elecollaboration. In L. Wilto風去n & C. Brett (Eds.), Handbook謝月 of research on online discussi線多on-based teaching methods 務子(pp. 283-310). IGI G嗎明lobal. https://doi.org/10.401爸拍8/978-1-7998-3292-8.ch012
Wu, S. (2020). Review of Underst區睡anding Attitude in Intercul術火tural Virtual Communication by A. Osk鄉算oz & M. Vinagre. Language Lea相公rning & Technolo算術gy [SSCI,Impact Factor 4.313], 25(1)呢白, 48-52.
del Rosal, K., Conry, J., & Wu,新購 S. (2017). Exploring the flui湖多d online identities of language tea和弟chers and adolescent langua道銀ge learners. Computer Assiste兒畫d Language Learning [SSCI & AHCI,地厭Impact Factor 4.789], 30(5),在問 390-408. https://doi.org的務/10.1080/09588221.2017.1307855劇理
Wu, S. (2017). Review of the Caree間很r Trajectories of En們生glish Language Teachers by P. Haw內懂orth & C. Craig. Education Review,快美 24. https://doi.org/10.14507/e廠子r.v24.2279
承擔的主要課程 (Major Courses):
語言學習機制 (Language and the Mind),綜合英場數語聽(tīng)力 (Comprehensive Eng農街lish Listening)
聯系方式 (Contact Information):[email protected]