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Joseph Simpson


    Joseph Simpson was born近新 in Leicester, England and studie南讀d at the university of Exet中玩er, 
ompleting an undergraduate 暗又degree in Geography and a mast你房er’s degree in Sport and H著舞ealth Science. For the past 3 years 一內he has been teaching in China, in房藍cluding one year at Chon視從gqing Jiaotong university and是快 two years at university Scien志到ce and Technology Beijing.

    Joseph originally came t雨兵o China to travel for two mont懂很hs and it is one of his biggest inte校知rests, having visited more兒麗 than 15 provinces includ紅又ing Yunnan, Heilongjiang, Guangxi and玩算 so on.Other interests include samplin工商g Chinese cuisine and sports, having be市月en a former tennis coach男女 in England and Australia.