The 7th International Conference on 雪民Ecolinguistics (ICE-7)
Call for Papers
The 7th International 動懂Conference on Ecoling身冷uistics (ICE-7) will 紅森be held at Beijing Normal University, C媽兵hina, on August 22-26身分, 2024 by the International Ec章鄉olinguistics Association (爸輛IEA). The theme for ICE-7 is “Langua鐘有ge, Place and Sustainability: Ecolingu男吧istics for the Present and費子 Future of the Planet Ea新秒rth”. We invite proposals f北一or symposia, individ農能ual papers and posters. We would 計兵be particularly interested in 紅森presentations with a focus謝冷 on the conference theme. However資國, any other topic within the scope of e行唱colinguistics will also be welcome.
As a naturalised science o放海f language, ecolinguist道老ics studies the impact of language答身 on the life-sustaining relationshi市拍ps among humans, other orga如間nisms and the physical environ空河ment (Alexander & Stibbe 2014她樂, Steffensen & Fill 2他畫014). Carbaugh’s (2001) d她如iscussion of place in “dueling d歌為epictions” of nature reve坐理als that communicating about natur靜司al space is a way of anch他冷oring messages in phy廠著sical space, but in so唱制 doing, more than a physical space is哥新 involved as the com門厭municative process of de們靜picting nature carries wit著秒h it a potent comple亮了x of socio-cultural mes遠音sages. From ecolinguis妹事tic approaches to representations of 匠光place (e.g. Nash & Muhl物她hausler 2014, Kidner 20理視16) to geographical text analy一市sis for corpus-assisted ecolingui話秒stics (Poole 2022), amon看玩gst many others, studi志男es in discourse analysis broadly and e少了colinguistics specifically have expl西好ored the production of place in discour刀店ses of ecological relevance (Poole 202資區2). In ecostylistic studies, the 作醫edited collection Language i見鐵n Place: Stylistic Perspectives on L這場andscape, Place and Envir分村onment (Virdis et al. 2什懂021) considers portra不能yals and conceptualisations of natura自腦l scenery and space in literary and n場土on-literary texts by me路做ans of various stylistic method訊見ologies. The edited collectio快用n The Stylistics of Landscapes, the La爸火ndscapes of Stylistics (Dou費廠thwaite et al. 2017) is devoted to styl為白istic analyses of physical lan舊離dscapes in literary texts.
Place has become an important top懂道ic in ecolinguistics as it is closely 吃山associated with the p作城hysical environment, our habitat and這懂 the planet Earth which 影聽sustain the life of human刀通s and other organisms. As Snyder (19相風95) puts it, whatever li上雪ves needs a habitat, a culture of厭秒 warmth and moisture to grow. It is h海木oped that this conference 司黃will provide a platform for th刀要e topics of language, place and s務河ustainability to meet慢又, so that we could d行舊iscuss the role language plays裡短 in making the planet Earth a mor兵月e sustainable and livable對生 place for present and future generat頻能ions.
I. Conference theme
Theme: Language, Place and Sustainability: E笑為colinguistics for the Presen那喝t and Future of the Pla紅現net Earth
Potential topics, areas and them件綠es to be addressed:
Representation of place in ecolin話鄉guistics
Ecolinguistics in the Anthropo雪離cene
Ecological care for the個去 planet Earth
Linguistic landscape from an 水金ecolinguistic perspective
Linguistic diversity and place fr城做om a sustainable perspective
Ecolinguistics in a regi書讀onal context
Ecological knowledge and locality道什
Sustainability and locality
Place and sustainable living
Discourses of sustainable devel書區opment
Ecological identity an話煙d place
Ecological discourses fro小章m indigenous cultures ac小坐ross the world
Discourses of ecolog請玩ical civilisations from across the w在還orld
Ecological philosophies from acro匠老ss the world
Environmental migration
Ecoliteracy and sustainable ecologica近嗎l education
II. Conference information
Time: August 22-26, 2024
Venue: Beijing Normal劇票 University, Beijing
Organized by: The Internat是開ional Ecolinguistics Associat西區ion (IEA)
Co-organized by: The Chinese Ecolingui好自stics Association
Hosted by: Beijing Normal U綠問niversity
III. Keynote speakers
Leonie Cornips (Maastricht Universi店雨ty)
He Wei (Beijing Foreign Studies Uni音舊versity)
Huang Guowen (South China了湖 Agricultural University)
Hermine Penz (University 呢也of Graz)
Sune Vork Steffensen子在 (University of Southern Denmark)
Arran Stibbe (via video了美 link) (University o唱黑f Gloucestershire)
Wang Jinjun (Guangzhou Univer暗那sity)
Yu Hui (Beijing Normal Un坐物iversity)
IV. Forms of Presentati美歌on
We invite proposals for 化我symposia, individual pa近話pers, and posters.
• Symposia
A symposium will be alloc電草ated a 2-hour block. Organ妹行izers may invite 4 to 6 panel memb事些ers. Each symposium consis照畫ts of an introductio通煙n, presentations, discussio風男n (optional), Q&A, and c輛著onclusion. The symposium organ場都izer needs to provide th個動e title, symposium intro唱商duction and all the abstracts.
• Individual Paper Present公月ations
A block of 25 minutes will be de制厭signated for an individual pape友討r presentation, including 20 minutes 關東for the presentation and 5 mi在鄉nutes for discussion. Titles and abstr林電acts of individual paper pr厭玩esentations need to be submitted老好.
• Poster Presentations雨和
Please submit titles and a木人bstracts.
• Proposals for individual paper p吃唱resentations and poster presentati綠是ons should include a title and a村睡n abstract (no more than 信海250 words). Informati少學on about authors should include但姐: name, title, educat愛黑ion, affiliation, ema訊男il and mobile phone number.
• Symposium proposals should incl船這ude the symposium title and a 300-wo歌高rd description, the title and北人 abstract (no more than 250 words)業為 of each presentation in坐門 the symposium.
All proposals should be 車視sent to the conference mailb愛兒ox: [email protected]
Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2024
Notification of acceptance: 20 May 2024
IV. Registration
Registration Fee:
Overseas delegates: USD$150
Domestic delegates: CNY1000
Full-time postgraduate students: 50農的% off (with valid document)
The online registration and 樂遠payment service will start fro你化m 25 May 2024.
V. Consultation
Conference website: to be announ資司ced.
Information website: http://www.輛問 (Website of S影費chool of Foreign Lang兒店uages and Literature, Be醫見ijing Normal University)
E-mail: [email protected] (recomm火章ended)
Regarding registration and 厭有payment: 86-10-58807678也日(DONG Ying)
Regarding program, venue and accom現要modation: 86-13863914但都987(DAI Fei)
Alexander, R. J. & A. Stibbe 20綠下14. From the analysis of ecolo不上gical discourse to th暗現e ecological analysis of disc去學ourse. Language Science 41: 104-110.
Carbaugh, D. 2001. “The mountain” and “離匠the project”: Dueling depictio體那ns of a natural environment. 員視In A. Fill & P. Mühlhäusler (e從時ds.), The Ecolinguistics Reader: Language, ecology and 西房environment (pp. 124–42). London: Continuum.
Douthwaite, J., D.F. Virdis劇內 & E. Zurru (eds.). 2017. The Stylistics of Landscapes去司, the Landscapes of Sty道黃listics. Amsterdam and Philadelph師醫ia: John Benjamins.
Kidner, K. 2016. Neutra木舞l ground and naming: The i你化mplications of Tar Sands a拍電nd Oil Sands for environmental debat志資es in Alberta. Critical Approaches to Di員西scourse Analysis across Discipl亮個ines, 8(2), 1–18.
Nash, J. & P. Mühlhaüsler 這文2014. Linking languag報樹e and the environment: the case山開 of Norf’k and Norfolk Island輛西. Language Sciences, 41, 26–33.
Poole, R. 2022. Corpus-Assisted Ecolinguistic也子s. London: Bloomsbury.
Snyder, G. 1995. A Place in Space. Washington, DC: Counterpoin商低t.
Steffensen, S. V. & A. Fill 201內一4. Ecolinguistics: The state of t冷村he art and future horizons. Language Sciences 41: 6-25.
Stibbe, A. 2010. The Handbook of Sustaina南身bility Literacy: Skills for a cChan這我ging world. Cambridge: Green Books.
Virdis, D. F., E. Zurru & E. La票很hey (eds.). 2021. Language in Place: Styli又熱stic Perspectives on Landscape, Pla雪風ce and Environment. Amsterdam and Philadelphia:到話 John Benjamins.